Truth and the Tales We Tell: Mother Goose not in Granary

This brief rebuttal of standard fare was submitted yesterday by Delilah Webb, continuing her popular column “Truth and the Tales We Tell.”

If you were to stand in front of the Granary Burying Ground for a few hours listening to the snippet of audible narrative from passing tour buses, you’d frequently hear a common untruth espoused: that the beloved children’s author Mother Goose is buried within.  This is not the case!  There are two women named Goose in this cemetery, both wives of an affluent landowner named Isaac Goose – but the stories attributed to MG, as well as the pseudonym, can be traced to a century prior to their lives in France!

In my experience discussing the matter with other tour guides, the canard referred to remains stubbornly embedded in Boston tour guide lore, and I suspect many tour guides will stick by their guns to defend the now-traditional conviction that Mother Goose is in the Granary.  But the research of the current writer leads to side with Delilah.

Dispute our position in the reply box below, or begin a new topic thread in the discussion forum.

Meeting Notes

Super Tours Meeting Notes (Wednesday, December 5, 2012)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

In attendance:
Jack Harte, Dave Foss, Ted Kerakostas
Pat C, Howie, Bill O, Tim, Mike Bruce, Joe P, Bobby H, Alanna, Ben, John Young, Tony, Louis, Pat Canavan, Emily, Rob, Andy, Ron Downs, Ed White, Jon Cotton, Cindy D., Joe Cassaro (LATE!!!!!!)


Check your fluids and listen for noises:
We’ve had trolleys break down from not checking oil and coolant.  If you hear a funny noise, there’s probably something wrong.  Tows are expensive – up to 700 bucks, and the need for one can be nipped in the bud if you catch a problem before you leave the garage.  Look under your trolley as you approach it for leaks.  The need to inspect properly is especially critical at present because so many trolleys are way way overdue for servicing.  I often spot a leak and detect a problem right away, but some of you aren’t checking.  When you add coolant, you have to add water.  You have to have a 50/50 combination.  To check the coolant you can put a light against the side of the tank to light up the interior and create a shadow of the liquid contents.  If you have to, open the cap and put your finger in to check it.  The cap has two sets of thread thingies, so you have to unscrew it once to loosen it in one way, then you have to turn it again to get it the rest of the way off.

We have also had trolleys with flat tires lately.  You have to check them.  You can take a metal bar and poke the inner back tires or push them with your hand to see if they give.  If you have a flat tire and you go on a highway it heats up and can cause a major fire which is very hot and can’t easily be put out and the firepeople won’t make it to you on time.  The tires take 110 pounds of pressure.  That’s a lot.

Grab-handles are coming apart.

There’s a list on the bulletin board in the break room to record which trolleys have heating problems.

If you see any windows that still need fixing, report it.  Emily has done a great job repairing them! (polite applause for Emily).

Mission Airlock Protocol:
We have to keep the doors shut at the garage because of the cold.  Preserve airlock protocol.

Blue tickets:
Include trolley number, plate number, mileage, name of company, and in the top right put your own name.

“Can we go back to the part where I was applauded?”
(more polite applause for Emily).


Blue tickets (cont’d):
In the text box state specifically what the problem is, where it is, and when it occurred.

Yellow curly light:
Don’t start the trolley until the yellow curly light goes out.  Turn the key part way, then wait for the yellow “glow plug” to go out.  Then start the vehicle.  And don’t race the motor to heat up your trolley.  Let it warm up a little before you bump the idle up.

Also check your stickers to ensure they’re up to date.  Thank you.


Praise for Ted:
“Ted makes some interesting points.”
(scattered polite applause for Ted)

New Morning Protocol:
Starting tomorrow morning we will bring trolleys into the garage in groups of three to do circle checks.  We will help each other check our trolleys.

Staying on time:
People have to stay on time because if someone is 10 minutes fast and the person behind her is 5 minutes slow, there is about a 40 minute wait.  The passenger is then waiting in the cold with either a baby or a decrepit old person from Winetka.

No special favors:
No special considerations for people.  Don’t violate the official schedule to indulge a guest.  Don’t for example go from the splash back to the Constitution to indulge a passenger.

Meeting attendance:
Last month there were only two people who did not make at least one meeting and they had permissible extenuations.  Thank you.

Communication is important even in the winter.

(in agreement) Please call in regularly at key checkpoints and state whether you are on time.


Wearing the uniform is a condition of employment.  Wear your uniform.  Blue jeans or black khakis…

Jon Cotton:
I thought it was “chinos!?  Is there a difference?  I don’t know these words.”

“Chinos.”  Also, company sweatshirt, white collared shirt.

Sitting around in the break room:
Sitting around in the break room, not having done circle checks, reading, chatting is no good.  We’re here to do a job.  Dennis could take time away for this (editorial note: i.e., have us come in at 7:45 rather than at 7:30).  Issues such as this cause my teakettle to get banged on.

Air tanks:
Pulling lines on air tanks must be done at the end of the day.  Just for two seconds or so, but in all three locations.

Turn trolleys off inside the garage when the doors are shut.

Scheduled Positions:
Starting positions in the morning schedule are not optional.  The way the times are written on the schedule is the way they are meant to be followed.

“What about Jon Cotton’s website?  Does everyone know about Jon Cotton’s website?”

“I’m going to get to that.”


Health Insurance:
Open enrollment is available for insurance right now.  The “cafeteria plan.”  You will be required to sign about whether you want this or not.

“The driver’s advisory board will be meeting next week.  please contact me with any questions or concerns.”

safety, communication, customer service, quality tour, timing, connection to the organism, peace, love

Clarins Specialist Karen Lurie on Skin Care and the Feminine Face of Boston

Karen Lurie, skin care consultant

Contact Karen at Lord and Taylor 617 262 6000, x244

– by Jon Cotton

Once a rail yard for the Boston and Albany Railroad, the Prudential Center is now a prominent mark on the Boston skyline and a buzzing hub of luxury stores, hotels, a spectacular observatory, and elegant glass architecture.  Many of the guests on our tours stay at the hotels there.  Opening in 1965, the Prudential Tower was once the tallest building in Boston.  As tour guides we either drive by it or see it in the distance during our tours, and many of us mention it or describe it, but how many of us know anything concrete about the culture that works and flows through it?  Well, here is a sample of the mind of one insider.

Women willing to spend on good facial skin care visit Karen Lurie at her Clarins counter at Lord and Taylor, the highest-earning Lord and Taylor Clarins counter in the US after the ones in New York and New Jersey.  “At my price point they’re there because they know on some level that there is credibility to these creams and they’re willing to shell out the money for it,” she said.  “I don’t have roller derby women rolling up to my counter buying a hundred-dollar serum when they can go to Maybelline and buy a foundation for 5 bucks at CVS.”

Surrounded by high-end, world class (expensive) brands like Gucci, Prada, and Tiffany’s, Karen compares herself to Carrie Bradshaw, lead character of HBO production Sex and the City, in her desire to provide blunt, no-nonsense advice to women of Boston about skin care, as Carrie does in the show to women of New York about sex and dating.  Her bottom-line advice to women about facial skin care is “Fix it, don’t cover it up!”  Another point she makes is that Boston women tend to – and should not – spurn colors.

“My clients,” Karen says, “are affluent, educated, polite, and conservative – and often as pale as the early American paintings in the MFA!”  They are “afraid of color,” she says, and can have “washed out faces.”  “They have no color, no inspiration, no pop,” she says, “just safe, boring colors.  Business as usual!  They think bright colors are trashy, cheap, unkempt.  They want to be taken seriously.  Someone wants a lipstick.  I show various colors.  Anything that’s not very pale or safe or conservative is considered not appropriate.”

The most important thing in face care, Karen explains, is the basic health of the skin.  Boston women often cover their face with foundation, she says, rather than seek cures for the skin problems they are covering up.  “I’m not philosophically opposed to foundation now and then,” she says, “but not as a mask.  One’s real face must be involved in the presentation.”  The colloquial phrase “to put my face on,” she says, is too close to the truth.  “You have one face; good skincare regimen with top rated research and plant extracts is an investment,” she says.  Her Clarins products seek to nurture the skin to a healthy, youthful condition.

“Boston women,” she says, “are often less aware than other cultures of the importance of skin care.”  But some women, often asian students, “will seek out the best there is.”  “I put out a product and say ‘This is the best.  It does this, this, this and that.  It costs 82 dollars,’ and people take it.”  With reference to foundation, Karen says, she will sometimes tease saleswomen at neighboring counters (which sell Estee Lauder, Landcome, Chanel, Clinique, Shiseido, and other brands) by pointing to their foundation products and saying “Look at all this brown goop!”

As a representative of the luxury Clarins skincare line at Lord and Taylor in The Prudential Center, Karen Lurie offers free facial demonstrations and advice on skin care.  She manages the third largest-producing clarins counter in the L&T chain.  Lord and Taylor Boston is at 760 Boylston Street.  Call Karen for a free skin time session at 617 262 6000, extension 244.

Bostonian’s Pledge of Allegiance


-This post was submitted to by a source who prefers to remain anonymous.  Thank you to that source.

Sometimes we are known as Massholes.  We live in Back Bay, the North End, Southie, Beacon Hill, Somerville, Allston, Brighton, Cambridge,JP, Fenway, Dorchesta’, the North and South shores… We club on Landsdowne and shop on Newbury. Everbody has a friend in a band who’s playing at the Middle East that everyone else has got to see.  We don’t take the flowers from those crazy ladies downtown, thinking they’re free. We think that it’s our God-given right to cut someone off in traffic. We think using your turn signal is a sign of weakness.  We always bang a left at the green light, and the on coming traffic always expects it!  We don’t pronouce “R”s (cause that sounds queer). The greatest compliment you can ever give, or get is “That’s Wicked Awesome ” We think that three straight days of 90-degree temperatures is a “Heat Wave”. We Refer to six inches of snow as a “dusting.” Say everything in town is “a five-minute walk.” Wethink that 63-degree ocean water is warm. Frappes have ice cream, milkshakes don’t. A liquor store is called a “packie” and “a drinking problem” means that all the “packies” are all closed. The smallest beer is a pint. It’s not a water fountain; it’s a bubblah. It’s not a trashcan; it’s a barrel. It’s not a shopping cart; “it’s a carriage”. It’s not a purse; “it’s a pocketbook”. They’re not franks; “Fah Christ Sakes” they’re “Hawt Dawgs”. Route 128 is I-95 & I-93 it goes North, South, East, and West. Anything west of 128 is “the boonies”. We call our subway the “T” and it doesn’t run all night. We root for a team who went 86 years without winning the World Series. We say Larry Bird is the greatest basketball player there ever will be. Ted Williams, the greatest hitter tah ever play the game. Tom Brady is “The Man!”, Drew Bledsow is just a water boy, and Bill Bellack can say whatever “the fahk” he wants, when ever “the fahk” he wants to say it. The Bruins always got a chance at the Cup, and we punch anybody who says anything bad about Bobby Orr. I yell “YANKEES SUCK”, and so does my 7 year old cousin, even when the Sox are playing the Tigers. We accept the fact that Johnny Damen goes to the same barber as Benadick Arnorld, but we don’t discuss it.  We work hard. We play harder. Our weekends start Thursday afternoons and sometimes include Tuesday nights. Our “walk of shame” is the morning after when our wallets are empty and we ran out of gas on the Mass Pike. We are guys, girls, black, white, tall, short…smart (and on scholarships), dumb (and owing more than our life’s worth in student loans…). New York Pizza at 1am is the only time we don’t bitch about “Nooh Yawk” We live for : Bars that don’t card, even if were well over 21, Warm days on the common. Cambridgeside Galleria, Copley Square, Downtown Crossing, Sunday Pats Games. Blizzards cancelling classes. Hempfest. Keg parties in Allston. Concerts at the Tweeter Center. Crazy people on the T. Bums asking our broke asses for money. All-nighters in the dorms. Marathon Monday. Drunken cab rides. Waking up in places you don’t remember going to. We think Cape Cod is a little slice of Heaven down here on Earth. We only go to church when were in trouble. We never swim the Charles but we love that dirty water.  We’re defined by the roommates we’ve had, the parties we’ve attended, the classes we’ve taken, the people we’ve kissed…and those that we’ve missed. Nights of laughter. Nights of tears. Hellos, goodbyes, “I’m sorry’s”, “I’ll call you”s, “what’s your major?’s” and everything in between …but most of all, we are the friendships we’ve made and the bonds we’ve built. The people may fade, but the memories never will. We’re just small kids in a big city… The Real Bostonians (Even when were not in Boston).

( is currently seeking writers)

What to do in an Accident: a (Partly) Humorous Look by Trolley Guide Barbie Gillis

When you drive in downtown Boston 8-13 hours a day, your risk of having an accident is much higher than for your average driver. So even if you are the next Ricky Bobby, eventually you will hit something, or something will hit you. So what should you do in such a situation? First and foremost get rid of the body :)

About a week ago I was parked at the trolley stop in front of the State House (which is not the Shaw Memorial kids, but we’ll save that issue for another time). I had my hazard lights flashing as I read the morning news while waiting to start the day.  By news I mean Facebook. Just as I finished reading the heart-warming story about Ashley’s boyfriend being released from prison, Crash! Bam! I was hit by a school bus.

I “liked” the status, then met the other driver outside with little to no profanity. I greeted the bus full of horrified children with a smile and wave. Next, we exchanged paperwork. I took pictures of both vehicles, along with a picture of the other driver’s license, registration, and medical card. I called my dispatcher and was ready to head back to the barn.

Just then a Boston police officer showed up. We gave her all the information she needed to write a report. Then she gave me this great advice.


1) Always call or wave down a police officer to do a report. Sometimes stories change after you leave the scene. Then it becomes your word against theirs and quite often people develop “trauma” or “head injury” a week later, when they realize the possible capital gain.

2) If you have passengers make sure they are o.k., and do not let them leave until the police officer arrives to confirm that.

3) Check all of the other driver’s credentials, and make sure they match up: i.e., plate matches registration, med card up to date, hackney badge if required (check picture especially on cab drivers).

4) Notify your dispatcher.

5) Get the police report number from the officer.

6) Take pictures of everything, including the damage to both vehicles.

7)  If necessary get names and phone numbers of witnesses.

Also don’t argue with the driver. Stay calm, follow procedure, and carry on.


Your Dispatcher/ Main office
BOSTON POLICE (617) 343-4240
CAMBRIDGE POLICE (617) 349-3300
SUICIDE HOTLINE (877) 870-HOPE (8336)

-Barbie Gillis is a Charlestown native and has been a tour guide at Super Trolley Tours for 2 years.

Beantown Trolley Tour Guide Stephen Collins also Shakespeare Actor and Teacher

Stephen Collins performs Shakespeare


by Jon Cotton

To the left is Stephen Collins of Beantown Trolley Tours yesterday performing Shakespeare in Concord.  Many of us tour guides either know him personally or have seen him on the road or have read the reviews he receives from Tripadvisor.  In yesterday’s performance he did pieces from the Tempest, Hamlet, Lear, and three sonnets.  His other performances include impersonations of Walt Whitman and Robert Frost.  He also teaches classes on poetry and literature.  Stephen worked briefly for Old Town in 2006 and has been a tour guide at Beantown Trolley Tours for 6 years.  Visit his website.  His phone number is 978 853 0710.  Stephen describes himself in the following terms:

A Renaissance man, actor, teacher, tour guide, and ex-salesman now much more comfortable doing what he truly loves: performing.

A one-minute recording from yesterday’s superb performance attended by

Earbuds are Illegal While Driving

by Jon Cotton

Last week Boston cyclist (and lawyer) Josh Zisson wrote a blog article on the danger for cyclists of wearing earbuds.  There’s no law against it, but it’s dangerous.  Meanwhile the Massachusetts State Police published a post last week about motorists wearing them.  In Massachusetts it is legal for us to drive with an earbud in one ear but not in both ears.  Here’s what the State Police said:

First responders, including law enforcement and fire and rescue crews, use their emergency lights and sirens to safely navigate the roadways when responding to emergencies. During daylight hours, flashing emergency lights may not be seen as easily as at nighttime, and the only way to for an operator to be warned of the emergency vehicle is from a siren. The concern is the wail from a siren can be drowned out by an operator wearing headphones in both of their ears…

Additionally vehicles registered in Massachusetts are required to get a safety inspection and part of that inspection requires the horn to be in good working order. The horn, when properly used, is a safety signal device used to warn operators of possible collisions and hazards posed from other vehicles or objects in the roadway. The wearing of headphones removes the effectiveness of those warnings, further leaving a driver oblivious of a dangerous situation.

So be aware.  If a police officer sees you wearing earbuds you could be stopped.

-Jon Cotton is a creator of


Bicyclist Killed In Traffic This Morning

The Universal Hub site reports that a cyclist was killed by a semi this morning.  From the few times I’ve had cyclists bang on my trolley in anger because I accidentally cut them off – or because they are extremely proactive about their safety – I have personally become more vigilant in watching for them.  Especially coming into Boston on the Longfellow.  I find that we have little choice but to cut into the bike lane.  But experience has taught me that when I do occupy the bike lane I should look very carefully first to make sure I’m not cutting off a cyclist.

Three if by Tour Bus : Memories of Bobby Orr and Growing up in Boston

-by Old School

Bobby Orr Statue, Some rights reserved by jason_baker84

Like many children who grew up in the Boston sports culture of the 1960’ and 70’s, I am a life long fan of this city’s sports, regardless of where I hang my hat.  Having lived nearly all of my adult life in another state, I have since returned to the 617 area code.  My wife and I recently took a tour through Boston on one of the local tour buses, and, while the tour and tour guide were as entertaining as they were educational, it was the bronze statue of Bobby Orr outside the Boston Garden (It’s always gonna be The Boston Garden!) on Causeway Street that immediately brought me back home! Continue reading